[LINK] Aspen Medical Selling Smart Badges for COVID-19

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Thu Oct 7 09:36:41 AEDT 2021

On 7/10/2021 8:54 am, Tom Worthington wrote:
> The idea is that each person at a workplace, or entertainment venue,
> wears a watch sized device which tracks where they go and who they go
> near. It will beep if you get too close to someone.
> https://www.smartbadge.com.au/
Contact tracing has had its day as a primary solution because the
problem has (or shortly will have) changed.

With a combination of high levels of vaccinations and a relaxation of
restrictions the problem will become one of living with COVID19, not
preventing people from getting it.

The key metric will move from the number of new cases to how stressed is
the healthcare system.

Most people will get the disease but, because they are vaccinated, will
experience minimal symptoms and after effects. They will also have a
lighter viral load and will spread the disease less easily. And with the
availability of viral treatments still under development even the number
of people who have a bad experience with the disease will decrease.

The same goes for vaccination passports, although they may be needed for
international travel.

Of course there will still be opportunities for governments to stuff
things up, mostly the financial and economic consequences of the whole

The remaining big danger is a new variant that does not respond to
existing vaccinations and treatment. This is unlikely to come from well
vaccinated nations but may well come from those countries that have very
low levels of vaccine uptake and high numbers of cases.



Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Canberra Australia
email: brd at iimetro.com.au

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