[LINK] Keeping the best bits of online learning after COVID-19, Webinar, 10 am, 3 November

Tom Worthington tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Fri Oct 29 08:39:59 AEDT 2021

The third in my Keep Calm and Carry Online Webinar Series, is planned 
for 10 am 3 November, Canberra time (5pm 2 November Mountain Time, North 
America). This is part of the Maskwacis Cultural College Microlearning 
Series in Canada, curated by Manisha Khetarpal. It is open to the public 
and free, but please register to attend. https://forms.gle/fuVzQ2d8Wb1To9C4A

	Title: Keep Calm and Carry Online: Keeping the best bits of online 
learning after COVID-19

	Description: "Schools and universities made an emergency switch to 
online education last year due to COVID-19. This was challenging for 
students, teachers and the education system. What of this should be 
retained, particularly for more mature school, and university students, 
as the pandemic is brought under control?

Come join Tom Worthington, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Computing, at the 
Australian National University. Find out how he spent seven years 
preparing for emergency e-learning, how it went when the pandemic stuck, 
and how we can continue to use the technology and techniques to make 
learning for students and teachers."


Tom Worthington http://www.tomw.net.au

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