[LINK] Drone defibrillators

Stephen Loosley stephenloosley at outlook.com
Tue Feb 8 12:16:22 AEDT 2022

Tom writes,

>> In the last few years, several defibrillators have been installed on outside
>> walls around our small country town, and thus freely available  to everyone.
>> They’ve all been stolen. ...
> The defibrillators I have seen in public areas, mostly have electronic alarms fitted,
> which flash a light and sound a siren when the case is opened.

Yes, that would probably work in many built-up areas, with residential folk living there.
However, in this small country town, there is no-one living in or near main street. It’s a
strictly commercial area and very quiet after hours. No-one would see/hear it. And one
would suspect that many tiny/small country towns in Aussie are often much the same?

>> ... drone such a machine any where they’re needed?
> One Australian surf lifesaving drones was planned to be able to carry a small defibrillator.
> I don't know if this was done.
> https://www2.computerworld.com.au/article/661152/surf-lifesaving-drone-maker-eyes-long-haul-autonomous-uav/
> Perhaps a defibrillator function could be *built into* delivery drones. This could be
> a lightweight pouch on the drone, containing the electrodes & electronics, powered
> directly from the drone's batteries.

Yes, that might be helpful. Maybe perhaps for every drone-swarm licence-to-operate
in Aussie could also include one defibrillator/first-aid-kit drone in an automated-hatch
‘garage’ always powered up and ready for instant deployment? Surely, ready-to install
$2,000 kits, complete with widely available local mobile apps to open the drone hatch
and to guide the drone straight to anyone who summoned it? Or else, simply cheapish
mass-produced defibrillators which can be distributed widely around neighbourhoods.


Tom Worthington, http://www.tomw.net.au
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