[LINK] Supporting smart cities

David dlochrin at aussiebb.com.au
Tue Feb 8 16:50:11 AEDT 2022

On 2022-02-08 12:29, Roger Clarke wrote:
> (And I'm not entirely sure what IoT's got to do with it.  Nor 5G, given that it can be uploaded in bulk at the base, with fewer security risks).

According to an NRMA survey a few years ago, Wingecarribee Shire had the worst roads in the country and now IMO they've deteriorated even further; only the other day I saw a local farmer hauling one of his cows out of a pothole.  So around two years ago the NSW Minister responsible for Local Government responded to ratepayer's concerns by relieving the Shire Councillors of their duties and appointing an administrator whose term has been extended.

I don't think this sorry state of affairs would have been improved in the slightest by more data or automation, however it was created.

David Lochrin

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