[LINK] How space is changing the nature of war

Stephen Loosley stephenloosley at outlook.com
Wed Feb 23 17:56:43 AEDT 2022

Tom, these fast transport ships might be ideal to help defend the Pacific islands.

Defence of the Pacific will frequently be island to island. Because that’s the Pacific.

Thus for example, the rocket-transport articles I posted were very popular reads on Philippine Ex-pat (mostly Yank) forums. I guess the many millions of Pacific islander
dual-citizens, when invaded would want both rocketfulls of U.N./U.S. etc troops for security and to assist in evacuating foreign citizens with otherwise-returning-empty
fast transport ships.

Real-time defence of the Pacific islands must be in real-time, with real-time soldiers.

But, if we are lucky, Australia and AUKUS etc might yet have some time planning for the defending northern neighbours? Must say .. diplomacy may yet still win the day.

Tom writes,

From: Tom Worthington<mailto:tom.worthington at tomw.net.au>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2022 9:06 AM
To: link at anu.edu.au<mailto:link at anu.edu.au>
Subject: Re: [LINK] How space is changing the nature of war

On 16/2/22 18:57, Stephen Loosley wrote:

> ... Thus I suppose we should listen to experts ...“Rocket cargo
> delivery represents the beginnings of a techno-strategy ...

There are US government agencies, think tanks, and company divisions,
devoted to such "blue sky" thinking. Every now and then, a wacky
proposal will turn out to be useful (such as the Internet, or
Australia's "Nulka" hovering rocket), but most will never fly.

There is usually a much simpler, cheaper, practical alternative. For
example, instead of flying jeeps (a DARPA project), use drones for
reconnaissance. Instead of aquaplaning armored vehicles (US Marine
Corps), transport tanks in high speed landing craft.

Rather than cargo rockets, to supplement heavy lift aircraft, the US
military has 12 Australian designed fast transport ships. These can move
300 troops and 600 tons of equipment at 80 kph, & put them ashore by
helicopter. Not as exciting as a rocket, but much cheaper and more

Tom Worthington http://www.tomw.net.au
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