[LINK] Recent astronomy

Stephen Loosley StephenLoosley at outlook.com
Fri Jan 7 21:12:25 AEDT 2022

Interesting developments in radio astronomy, and magnetic universe nouns and verbs lately

1. For example: If we were standing on earth and we could see magnetism, not just light, then our mortal coil will be completely surrounded by spinning magnetic filaments as we circle through space ..


“We present a simple, unified model that can explain two of the brightest, large-scale, diffuse, polarized radio features in the sky, the North Polar Spur (NPS) and the Fan Region, along with several other prominent loops. We suggest that they are long, magnetized, and parallel filamentary structures that surround the Local arm and/or Local Bubble, in which the Sun is embedded. We show this model is consistent with the large number of observational studies on these regions, and is able to resolve an apparent contradiction in the literature that suggests the high latitude portion of the NPS is nearby, while lower latitude portions are more distant. Understanding the contributions of this local emission is critical to developing a complete model of the Galactic magnetic field. These very nearby structures also provide context to help understand similar non-thermal, filamentary structures that are increasingly being observed with modern radio telescopes.” https://arxiv.org/pdf/2109.14720.pdf

2. And: https://video-images.vice.com/articles/60c3b70e7866e5009c7461c6/lede/1623439237799-screen-shot-2021-06-11-at-24314-pm.png   And the Scientific Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-021-01380-6

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