[LINK] need for ABN for a .au domain?
Roger Clarke
Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
Tue Nov 8 16:16:08 AEDT 2022
On 8/11/22 3:45 pm, Ivan Trundle wrote:
> I’m not suggesting that auDA is acting in the public interest (or not), but if not an ABN, I’m curious to know how an individual or company can prove that they have an Australian presence in order to obtain an .au address. It’s a minefield of ambiguity otherwise.
A company's existence is related to its ACN, not ABN.
An incorporated association has an entry in a State/Territory Register.
A unincorporated association, partnership, sole trader, trust,
individual, can provide collateral evidence of activity using that name.
Why on earth is application for a domain-name subjected to bureaucracy?
Ambiguity is inevitable.
There are plenty of organisations with an obscure string like 'xamax' in
their names, and lots of James Smiths, and indeed Yusuf Islams.
There's an argument for duplicate management in the case of large
organisations, both public and private sector; but beyond that it's a
hopeless case, and the returns for effort diminish very quickly.
>> On 8 Nov 2022, at 2:44 pm, Roger Clarke <Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au> wrote:
>> On 6/11/22 9:17 am, Jan Whitaker wrote:
>>> Does anyone in the Link braintrust have any info about why AuDA is now
>>> requiring an ABN in order to register a .au domain of any sort (except
>>> id.au)?
>>> https://lawpath.com.au/blog/do-you-need-an-abn-to-register-a-domain-name
>>> Some domain registrars (at least one I know of) are now going back and
>>> requiring those who have had one for years to now pay $119 to make the
>>> addition of the ABN info.
>>> Is this a money grab by AuDA, the domain services, or a real need? Why
>>> this change for all but id.au domains? Is this a Tax Office regulation
>>> change?
>> The options seem to be:
>> - instructions from someone in the mass surveillance apparatus
>> - a functional need that escapes us all
>> - a money-grab, mainly on behalf of the many intermediaries wanting
>> to make money in the Internet world, partly also for auDA
>> The organisation's behaviour has been appalling for quite some years.
>> The public interest aspect has completely gone, and the facilitation of
>> monopoly profits is what it's about.
>> (I'm happy to search out the series of critiques I've posted over the
>> last few years, if anyone wants it).
>> --
>> Roger Clarke mailto:Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
>> T: +61 2 6288 6916 http://www.xamax.com.au http://www.rogerclarke.com
>> Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd 78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA
>> Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Law University of N.S.W.
>> Visiting Professor in Computer Science Australian National University
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Roger Clarke mailto:Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
T: +61 2 6288 6916 http://www.xamax.com.au http://www.rogerclarke.com
Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd 78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA
Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Law University of N.S.W.
Visiting Professor in Computer Science Australian National University
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