[LINK] Guidelines to help organizations incorporate quantum-resistant algorithms

Stephen Loosley stephenloosley at outlook.com
Sat Dec 23 01:07:20 AEDT 2023

Government releases 2 draft guides to prepare for post-quantum migration

By Alexandra Kelley,  Staff Correspondent, Nextgov. DECEMBER 20, 2023

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has released two draft publications to guide entities aiming to shift their encryption schemes to ones designed to thwart attacks from a potential quantum computer, opening the documents for public comment as the agency works to usher in the next era of cybersecurity.

The guidelines aim to help organizations incorporate quantum-resistant algorithms into their existing security infrastructures.

Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography ..


The advent of quantum computing technology will compromise many of the current cryptographic algorithms, especially public-key cryptography, which is widely used to protect digital information.

Most algorithms on which we depend are used worldwide in components of many different communications, processing, and storage systems. Once access to practical quantum computers becomes available, all public-key algorithms and associated protocols will be vulnerable to criminals, competitors, and other adversaries.

It is critical to begin planning for the replacement of hardware, software, and services that use public-key algorithms now so that information is protected from future attacks.

Initiating the development of practices to ease migration from the current set of public-key cryptographic algorithms to replacement algorithms that are resistant to quantum computer-based attacks

These practices will take the form of white papers, playbooks, and demonstrable implementations for organizations.

In particular, the audience for these practices is intended to include organizations that provide cryptographic standards and protocols and enterprises that develop, acquire, implement, and service cryptographic products. This effort complements NIST's postquantum cryptography standardization activities...


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