dlochrin at aussiebb.com.au
Thu Feb 9 14:38:38 AEDT 2023
Congratulations Jan!! You win this week's major prize for initiative in investigation!
I have to confess that would never have occurred to me.
_Cheers, David L._
On 9/2/23 13:35, Jan Whitaker wrote:
> I looked with Startpage. But it's Greek to me! boom tish
> <https://eu-browse.startpage.com/av/proxy?ep=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&ek=566n6874646q4r595n6r787665436p65566p5677&ekdata=da2770d00a7771f2963f1d063e0d99d3>
> https://chakra.gr/shop/brahma-pendulum-ekkremes/
> <https://chakra.gr/shop/brahma-pendulum-ekkremes/>
> Brahma: εκκρεμές της παντογνωσίας - chakra.gr
> <https://chakra.gr/shop/brahma-pendulum-ekkremes/>
> Το εκπληκτικό εκκρεμές Brahma είναι κατασκευασμένο από ασήμι. Έχει
> τοποθετημένο πάνω του το ιερό σύμβολο του om. Ο Brahma ως δημιουργός
> θεός έχει όλη την ...
> Here's the google translated version of the page:
> Brahma: pendulum of omniscience
> 26.00€
> The amazing Brahma Pendulum is made of silver.It has the sacred symbol
> of om placed on it.
> Brahma as the creator god has all the knowledge of life.Ideal pendulum
> to help you in your first steps, either professionally or personally.It
> will provide answers to dilemmas that concern you when you are preparing
> to make a new beginning.
> On 9/02/2023 11:06 am, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:
>> I just asked ChatGPT (again)
>> Me: what is a bravais pendulum
>> This is the answer
>> ChatGPT: A Brahma pendulum is a pendulum in which the oscillating mass
>> is confined to move in a straight line instead of a circular arc. It
>> is a simple device used to demonstrate the laws of simple harmonic
>> motion and to study the effects of friction and air resistance on the
>> motion of a pendulum. The pendulum consists of a weight (known as the
>> bob) attached to a rod or string, which is suspended from a pivot
>> point. When set into motion, the bob moves back and forth in a
>> straight line, oscillating about the pivot point. The period of
>> oscillation of a Brahma pendulum is determined by the length of the
>> rod or string, the mass of the bob, and the force of gravity, and it
>> is independent of the amplitude of the oscillations.
>> Me: are you sure that is a bravais pendulum
>> ChatGPT: I apologize, it seems I made a mistake. There is no such
>> thing as a "Brahvais pendulum." The pendulum I was referring to is
>> called a "Brahma pendulum." I apologize for the confusion.
>> Me: I didn't know there was such a thing as a Brahma pendulum
>> ChatGPT: Yes, a Brahma pendulum is a type of simple pendulum that is
>> used for demonstrating the principles of simple harmonic motion. It is
>> named after the Hindu god Brahma, who is often associated with
>> creation and knowledge. The pendulum consists of a mass (the bob)
>> attached to a rod or string that is suspended from a pivot point. When
>> the pendulum is set into motion, it oscillates back and forth in a
>> straight line, and the period of the oscillations is determined by the
>> length of the rod or string, the mass of the bob, and the force of
>> gravity. Brahma pendulums are often used in physics education to teach
>> students about the laws of motion, and they can also be used to study
>> the effects of friction and air resistance on the motion of a pendulum.
>> I looked up "Brahma pendulum" using Duckduckgo and found nothing.
>> Bing, the same
>> Google, the same
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