[LINK] Recent NBN outages
dlochrin at aussiebb.com.au
Sun May 7 11:05:57 AEST 2023
Over 8 days, from the 29th April to 6th May inclusive, my ISP has
notified me of 12x NBN unscheduled outages, 5x NBN outages due to
scheduled maintenance, and 2x NBN emergency outages.
This admittedly covers two addresses, one serviced by HFC cable in
Sydney's Inner West and one R&R service using modern-type VDSL2 over
copper 1Km cable-distance from the FTTN node. Subscriber copper is
terminated at a pillar on one street, and the node has been thoughtfully
sited right on the kerb of the cross-street a few metres away to
optimise risk. Another run of copper cable connects the two.
(This node is the "critical infrastructure" which local gossip says was
cleaned up in the early hours of 31st December by lads trying to see how
fast they could get over the new railway bridge, change direction by
270-degrees around the roundabout at the bottom, and arrive safely in
the cross street.)
I know this isn't a chat list, but does any Linker know what's going
on? Are all these outages and rumours of outages due to wet weather?
For a moment I dared to hope FTTC was being installed in regional areas.
_David Lochrin_
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