[LINK] O/t: Weight Loss Pill Works

Stephen Loosley StephenLoosley at outlook.com
Thu May 25 18:37:00 AEST 2023

Novo Nordisk Weight Loss Pill Works, Data Shows

People given oral semaglutide lost about 15% of their weight over 68 weeks, according to the company.

By Ed Cara  Published Yesterday: (snip)  https://gizmodo.com/novo-nordisk-wegovy-weight-loss-pill-semaglutide-trial-1850462026/

An effective pill for obesity treatment looks to be within reach.

This week, Novo Nordisk announced the results of a Phase III clinical trial testing out an oral version of its in-demand drug semaglutide.

The once-daily pill not only substantially outperformed a placebo but did as well as the injectable form of the drug—an already-approved medicine called Wegovy — with participants losing 15% of their body weight on average...

According to the company, people in the oral semaglutide group lost 15.1% of their baseline weight on average by the study’s end, compared to the average 2.4% weight loss seen in the placebo group.

Nearly 90% of the treatment group also lost at least 5% body weight, compared to a quarter of those in the placebo group.

The findings have yet to be vetted by outside scientists. But, if they’re valid, they’re almost perfectly in line with the weight loss seen in the clinical trials of Wegovy.

But the company likely won’t be alone in the obesity treatment world for long. Eli Lilly’s tirzepatide—which combines GLP-1 with another hunger-related hormone—has shown even greater weight loss success and is expected to be approved by the FDA later this year. Several other companies are developing similar drugs as well.

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