[Nauty] geng changes

Sterten at aol.com Sterten at aol.com
Wed Dec 4 21:26:01 EST 2002

geng changes

I included a count[n]++; in my PRUNE  subroutine in geng,
and display the count[] values before geng exists.
Then not only all graphs of size n are counted but
also all graphs of smaller size.
I doesn't work with PREPRUNE or in connection with
other switches like -c,-b..
Can this be changed, so my PRUNE routine is called
after (before?) other routines like connected,bipartite,..

I also made -u the default.

I also included randrom search-tree cutting, but only with
p=const(n) so far.

I want to remove the -t, -f switches, instead include a list
of forbidden subgraphs or read a list of forbidden subgraphs from file.
I want an optional output of graphs in DIMACS format or just
the adjacency matrix.

I want geng to store some graphs e.g. 
and output them on request or use them as forbidden subgraphs.

specify cycle-lengths, hole-lengths like degrees

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