[Nauty] counting graphs

Sterten at aol.com Sterten at aol.com
Fri Dec 6 18:59:02 EST 2002

Brendan wrote:

 >It isn't GAP, it's Maple.  Converting to C would be a lot
 >of work because it relies on the symmetric function package
 >SF that you would also need to convert.  If anyone wants
 >Maple code for counting graphs I can provide the procedures
 >I wrote with Gordon Royle some years ago.  They would also
 >be a chore to convert to C as they use series expansions.
 >You would also need to use a multiprecision package.

I don't have/know Maple. Can you mix Maple with C ?
Don't you want to include it in geng -u  or in countg ?
Do you think it's possible to count H-free graphs this way ?
Well, probably not since you wrote that counting triangle-free
graphs were still an unsolved problem.

 > 1, 1
 >25, 131331393569895519432161548405816890146389214706146483380458576384
 >Execution time (1GHz Pentium) about 20 seconds.

very good. I'm surprised, that you come upto 25 so easily.
Why do all these numbers have so many factors ?
I.e. they contain rather high powers of 2:
 0 1 2 0 1 2 2 1 2 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 5 8 6 8 7 8 8 9 9      

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