[Nauty] Re: nauty-list digest, Vol 1 #53 - 1 msg

Wahid Chrabakh chrabakh at cs.ucsb.edu
Wed Feb 4 05:20:01 EST 2004

	Once I get the canonical forms of the two graphs, does Nauty provide
	API for comparing the two graphs to check if they are the same?

On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 06:26:23AM +1100, nauty-list-request at cs.anu.edu.au wrote:
> there is also a file  "labelg.c"  which comes with the Nauty package.
> Maybe this does what you want, I'm not sure.
> I wrote my own program which I called "canonize.c" ,
> which reads and prints just the n*n values of the adjacency matrices,
> one graph per line.
> I compiled it under Windows98 + GCC203 + DJGPP 
> with this batch file:
> gcc -g -c canonize.c 
> gxx canonize.o nauty.o naugraph.o nautil.o -O2 -o canonize.exe 
> below is the C-sourcecode , mail me if you want an executable,
> running under DOS.
> BTW., I also made an executable recently which prints
> the size of the automorphism group or its generators.
> I can also send it or post it, if somebody is interested.
> Guenter

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