[Nauty] Getting all possible automorphisms from given graph

ROMAN BOBER roman300178 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 13 20:45:02 EST 2004

Thanks for previous answers.I am looking at nautyex3.c
file(which is inside the nauty package) there is an
example of generating all possible automorphisms from 
n-vertex polygon,but I have a hard time to comprehend
how can I change this example in order to generate all
possible automorphism of a given graph (suppose graph
is an array of  n sets ,where the i-th set gives the
vertexes to which vertex i is adjacent ,for 0<=i<n).Is
there a simple way to do this transform?

p.s. I found a very good sun site ,which gives a very
extensive explanation of how mix C and C++ code:


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