[Nauty] Schreir Sims Representation

Bulutoglu Dursun A Civ AFIT/ENC Dursun.Bulutoglu at afit.edu
Sun Jul 18 12:44:01 EST 2004

	Nauty gives a set of strong generators for the automorphism
group of a graph based on a base v_0, v_2,...v_{k-1}. I was wondering if
it is possible to get a set of strong generators for the automorphism
group based on a base v_0,v_1, v_2, ...v_{n-1}  ie a base that uses all
the vertices of the graph. This would give me an efficient way of
generating the group. Since then every element of the group can be
written uniquely as a product of strong generators. This is not the case
when the base is a strict subset of the n vertices. If this is possible
is the running time of the algorithm going to be effected from such a
change. The set of strong generators based on all the vertices can be
generated by using the strong generators based on a subset of all the
vertices. The question is whether it would be more efficient to get the
strong generators based on all the vertices directly from nauty. 
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