[Nauty] make checks

Brendan McKay bdm at cs.anu.edu.au
Wed Jun 2 21:10:01 EST 2004

The problem is that the makefile should have 
  ./dreadtest <testS.dre
instead of
  dreadtest <testS.dre
and similarly for the other tests.

You can edit the makefile to fix this.  (Edit makefile.in then
run ./configure again.)  Note that some lines in the makefile
have to start with TAB characters and spaces won't do.

Alternatively, add "." to your path:

   bash:    export PATH=$PATH:.
   tcsh:    set path = "$path ."

The next edition of nauty fixes this problem.


* Nguyen Van Minh, M. <m.nguyen.van.minh at TUE.nl> [040602 19:50]:
> Hallo every one,
> I am new user of nauty, I have just installed nauty on Unix.
> I follow the guide and get the below:
> 1)   ./configure :   (works well),
> 2)   make all    :  (after a long wait, it works, last message : done)
> Then  
> 3)  make checks  (I get)
> gcc -o dreadtest -O4 dreadtest.c \
>     naututil.o nauty.o nautil.o nautinv.o naugraph.o rng.o
> dreadtest <testS.dre
> /bin/sh: line 1: dreadtest: command not found
> make: *** [dreadtest] Error 127
> What does that mean? Can I use nauty now without paying attention
> to this? Or I need to do something else?
> Can you help me out of this?
> Thanks,
> Man.
> -----------------------------------------
> Man Nguyen, 
> HG 9.53, 
> tel 031 040 247 4765
> Mathematics Department, TU/e
> Dendolech 2, 5612 AZ, 
> Eindhoven, The Netherlands
> ------------------------------------------
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