[Nauty] Understanding Nauty

Noah Giansiracusa noahgian at math.washington.edu
Mon Jul 25 14:07:08 EST 2005


A couple years ago I wrote an undergraduate term paper with the goal of trying to understand/illustrate the Nauty algorithm (at least the use of canonical labels to detect isomorphism) for one of my math classes.  It isn't great, but it might help a little bit.  It has some examples that might give an idea of how canonical labels work, but unfortunately I wrote this before taking algebra, so it leaves much to be desired (especially toward the end).  You can see it at:


I am curious to know if other people have written accounts as well (I had a lot of fun working on this project).

Good luck!

On Sat, 25 Jun 2005, Roger Ting wrote:

> Hi All,
>   Coming from an engineering  background, i find it hard to understand Nauty. 
> My works are such that
> it will be valuable to fully understand Nauty. I am writing to ask what are the 
> steps to understand Nauty.
> I know it heavily uses group theory. Has anyone wrote a tutorial on  the 
> algorithm for those who are
> not so mathematical inclined ?  Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Roger
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