[Nauty-list] Version 2.4 beta 3 is available

Brendan McKay bdm at cs.anu.edu.au
Thu Dec 14 23:17:42 EST 2006

On the nauty web page  http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/nauty/  you can
now find a beta release of nauty version 2.4.  The main new
features are:

1. There is no longer a normal and a BIG version of nauty.  Unless
   you are running on an old system with 16-bit ints, the maximum
   order of a graph is 2^30 = 1073741824 vertices.

2. There is a new program "planarg" that tests graphs for planarity, and
   optionally outputs embeddings or obstructions.  (This program uses
   code copyright by the Magma project.)

3. Two different data structures for graphs are supported.  In addition
   to the traditional packed representation, a sparse representation is
   also available. It offers considerable advantages if the number of
   edges is comparatively small. Currently sparse representation is not
   available in dreadnaut so is mostly of interest to programmers
   (but see the -S option in labelg).  More on this later.

See the file README (in the package and on the web page) for a more
detailed list of changes, especially if you program with nauty. Also
the manual is much expanded.

Please report any problems, even little ones.


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