[Nauty-list] Generating triangle-free cubic graphs

Brendan McKay bdm at cs.anu.edu.au
Wed Sep 10 05:32:26 EST 2008

Two options are minibaum by Gunnar Brinkmann and genreg by Markus
Meringer. Both are quite efficient for this problem. If you want
planar ones, use plantri (http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/plantri).


* Stephen Hartke <hartke at gmail.com> [080910 04:01]:
> Hi!  I'm interested in generating triangle-free cubic graphs to test some
> conjectures.  I've been using geng, but I understand that there are faster
> methods designed specifically for cubic graphs.  I know Gunnar Brinkmann has
> one such method, but I saw mention that he and Brendan McKay have a faster
> (or at least competitive) method.  Is any software available that implements
> these methods?
> Thanks!
> Stephen Hartke

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