[Nauty-list] Question about nauty

Jing Yuan yuanj05 at gmail.com
Sun May 9 07:15:26 EST 2010

Hi all

Now, I want to use nauty do determin wheater the two graph is isomorphism or
not and get a vertex mapping between these two graph.
The two graph is sparse. I use the dreadnaut to do this,but there are some
problems. Can anyboady help me to solve these problem? Thank you very much
The procedure is below:
(1)First,  I converted the two graphs into dreadnaut format and store them
into two files (G1.txt G2.txt , the number of vertex is N1, N2, N1=N2). The
graph formats are as follows
0: 1 2 3;
1: 2 4;
2: 4 5;
3: ;
(2) Then I use the command showed in page37 of the nauty User's Guidebelow
to run nauty.
> c -a -m
>n=N1 g<G1.txt
>x @
The problem is when the number of vertex (N1) is very large, the program was
wrong. it said the segmentation fault.  My questions are as follows:
(1) The above method is right to determin wheater the two graph is
isomorphism or not ?
(2) If the method is right, how can I solve the segmentation fault problem
when the vertex number is very large.
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