[Nauty-list] readgraph()

niess at ma.tum.de niess at ma.tum.de
Fri Feb 4 06:09:11 EST 2011

Sorry, I feared that my e-mail would become too big if I included the
whole program text. This time I will attach testnau3.c and testnau4.c; the
first has the problem with reading a file, the last causes a segmentation
fault with nauty. testnau4 doesn't make much sense, it is just to test
nauty. The files that I try to read were jba030_3 and jbc030_3. testnau3
first reads jbc030_3 and then jba030_3, testnau4 only reads jbc030_3.
jba030_3 has been made by geng and contains only one graph, jbc030_3
contains the same graph in an other format, with a header, and my own
programs can read it. It is the graph with 3 nodes and 3 edges.

To William: Unfortunately I think that does not help me. As far as I have
understood, the format graph6 is different from the internally used format
in which graphs in the packed form are used by functions like nauty.
Especially I think the internal format does not have 163 added, does it?
So if ntog6 convets something to graph6, this is not what I really need. I
need to convert the adjacency  matrix (given as integers) to a form that I
can give to nauty.
> The gtools function ntog6() will convert a graph datatype to a C
> string containing that graph's graph6 representation. The gtools
> function writeg6() uses ntog6() to output a graph's graph6
> representation to a given stream. There are similar and
> similarly-named functions for sparse graphs.
> If the above comments don't help, then I think it would be
> considerably easier to help you debug your program's segfault if you
> gave the input (and the minimum compilable source) necessary to
> reproduce it. Otherwise, the process can be unnecessarily inefficient.
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