[Nauty-list] readgraph()

niess at ma.tum.de niess at ma.tum.de
Sat Feb 12 05:02:56 EST 2011

Thank you very much for your help. Now the programs work - at least for
small files. When I tried to run them with the slightly bigger file
jbc050_5 however, they did neither stop nor produce a result. After adding
more test outputs, I came to the conclusion that the place where the
problem occurs (but probably not originates) is again the call to nauty. I
will attach the modified testnau3.c and jbc050_5. It reached the output
"test6" but even after running about 24 hours did not come to test7. Now I
have not the slightest idea what I can do about that (except killing the
program). Can you please help me again?
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