[Nauty-list] maintaining a set of non-isomorphic graphs

Susanne Nieß niess at ma.tum.de
Fri Jan 6 04:12:06 EST 2012

This is what I am already doing. I use nauty with getcanon=TRUE to 
produce a canonically labelled version of every graph in the list and of 
any new graph I want to test. Then I compare the canonically labelled 
graphs with memcmp. I suppose that should also work for you. If any one 
knows a more efficient method, I'd like to learn it.

Susanne Nieß

On 01/04/12 04:10 AM, Grant Farmer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to maintain a set of non-isomorphic graphs in my program and I am hoping to use Nauty to do so.  How would one go about doing that?  I would also like it to be able to quickly test if a graph has an isomorphic graph already in the set or not.  The geng program will not work for my purposes because I do not want all graphs that are non-isomorphic, just the ones that I am actually using.  Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.
> Grant Farmer
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