[Nauty-list] Segmentation fault with readg()

Tristan Miller psychonaut at nothingisreal.com
Mon Jun 10 22:25:06 EST 2013


On Monday 10 June 2013, Brendan McKay wrote:
> In general MAXN should be defined (unless you want the default,
> which is 0) before including the nauty headers.  gtools.h
> automatically includes nauty.h, so you don't need in include
> nauty.h yourself.

Yes, that was my problem.  I had modified William's code by adding an 
#include "nauty.h" before the first line, not realizing that gtools.h 
already #includes it.  Moving the #define MAXN to the top of the file fixed 
the problem, but the better solution, as you point out, is to simply remove 
the extraneous #include "nauty.h" which I had inserted.

My apologies for not having posted an exact copy of the code I was trying 
to execute.


  _V.-o         Tristan Miller          ><  Space is limited
 / |`-'  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  <>  In a haiku, so it's hard
(7_\\    http://www.nothingisreal.com/  ><  To finish what you
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