[Nauty-list] digraph-->graph

Sterten at aol.com Sterten at aol.com
Sun Oct 20 04:10:22 EST 2013

ok, I think this should work:
add vertices d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,{a',a in V},{a'',a in V}
and edges (d1,d2),(d3,d4),(d4,d5),(d2,a),(d5,a')(a',a''),(a,a'') 
and edges (a,b')for (a,b) in E, but remove (a,b) for (a,b) in E
exactly two vertices have degree 1 : d1 and d3, their neighbors are  d2,d4.
d2 has degree > 2 except for trivially small graphs.
d4 has degree 2
The neighbors of d2 are the a (incoming) the neighbors of d4 are the a'  
the other vertices are the a'' that have degree 2 and join the a with the  
I first tried it with taking the edges as vertices and joining them to  
their endpoints,
but probably had insufficiently distinguished them so I got  
instead of 1,3,7,19,47,130,... (using nauty for graphs, not digraphs)

In a message dated 19.10.2013 18:31:01 Westeuropäische Sommerzeit,  
mathieu.dutour at gmail.com writes:

One way is to duplicate the number of vertices.  
Any vertex a is associated to a pair a, a'.

A directed edge a ---> b becomes an undirected
edge {a, b'}.
We associate color 0 to all vertices x and color 1
to all vertices x'.


On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 5:53 PM, <_Sterten at aol.com_ 
(mailto:Sterten at aol.com) > wrote:

how did we best make a graph from a digraph with isomorphic  automorphism 
group  ?

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