[Nauty] Question about Chromatic Numbers

José Ra. Portillo josera at us.es
Fri May 6 08:23:35 AEST 2016


using nauty and very nauty (Keith Briggs
http://keithbriggs.info/very_nauty.html) I used this little program

you can compile it with

gcc -o cromo -lm -I../nauty -DMAXN=32 -DWORDSIZE=32 -O2 -pipe cromo.c
~/very_nauty/vn_graph.o  ~/nauty/nauty.o ~/nauty/nautil.o
~/nauty/naugraph.o ~/nauty/gutil1.o ~/nauty/gutil2.o ~/nauty/gtools.o

adapting the paths...



2016-05-05 23:05 GMT+02:00 Yang Xu <yxu10 at masonlive.gmu.edu>:
> Hi all,
> May I know if *nauty* and *Traces* have the function to find the chromatic
> number of a graph? Thanks a lot.
> Best,
> Yang
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José Ra. Portillo Fernández
Matemática Aplicada 1 - ETSII
Universidad de Sevilla
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