[Nauty] convert g6 graphs to MMP hypergraphs

Jose Ra Portillo josera at us.es
Tue Jun 23 04:28:16 AEST 2020

Hello nauty-list

Let's see if you can help me.

I am looking for a program (or ideas) that can convert graphs in GRAPH6 
format to hypergraphs in MMP format.

McKay-Megill-Pavičić (MMP) hypergraphs are encoded by means of printable 
ASCII characters. Vertices are denoted by one of the following 
characters: 1 2 …9 A B …Z a b …z ! “ # $ % &’ () * - / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ 
] ˆ _ ‘ { | }  When all of them are exhausted we reuse them prefixed by 
‘+’, then again by ‘++’, and so forth. By example, the cycle graph of 
five vertices is encoded as 12 23 34 15 and the complement of the cycle 
of 7 vertices is encoded as 123 234 345 456 567 167 127

Thanks in advance!



Prof. Dr. José Ra. Portillo Fernández
Dpto. Matemática Aplicada 1 - IMUS
Universidad de Sevilla

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