[Nauty] pynauty-1.1.2 release

Peter Dobsan pdobsan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 19:10:46 AEST 2022


Pynauty version 1.1.2 has been released.

Changes in this version:

  - Built with nauty27r4
  - Added python 3.10.5 to build and test matrix

Pynauty can be used to compare graphs for isomorphism and to determine
their automorphism group in a Python programming environment.  Pynauty
is a Python/C extension module using library components from the Nauty
package by Brendan McKay.

It is available from PyPi and the sources are on GitHub.
You can install it using pip:

  pip install --upgrade pynauty

Many binary wheels are provided for recent Linux and macOS systems.
When your system is not compatible with any of the provided binary
wheels `pip` attempts to build the wheel of the extension module on your
local machine.

The package comes with HTML documentation and a comprehensive test suit.
For more details see


Questions, bug reports, pull requests are welcome!


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