[Nauty] Traces incorrect automorphism group order counting

Aleksandr Krotov aldkrotov at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 08:35:35 AEDT 2022

Dear Colleagues,

I found an example where densenauty(), sparsenauty() and Traces() give
different stats.grpsize1 numbers. In my computational program I have double
counting for case of errors so I consider nauty result as correct.

The interesting result is that if we first canonize the graph,
stats.grpsize1 becomes correct.

I'm attaching test source code (just one graph definition + nauty and
Traces calls), my output is:
stats_sg { .grpsize1 = 576.000000, .grpsize2 = 0 }
stats_tr { .grpsize1 = 288.000000, .grpsize2 = 0 }
stats_tr_canon { .grpsize1 = 576.000000, .grpsize2 = 0 }

Can be compiled using gcc test.c nauty/nauty.a -o test


Best regards,

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