[Nauty] Vertex orbits in Nauty

Lluís Alemany Puig lluis.alemany.puig at upc.edu
Thu Sep 14 19:47:06 AEST 2023


I am using Nauty to enumerate all vertex orbits (automorphism orbits on 
vertices) in trees. To make nauty compute the vertex orbits, I declare a 
graph structure

    graph *g = NULL;

and call the function


to add edges to the graph. After allocating memory for many other 
variables, I use this loop

    actmult = 0;
    for (;;) {
         if (stats.errstatus) {
         options.writeautoms = FALSE;
         options.writemarkers = FALSE;
         if (multiplicity > 0 && actmult >= multiplicity) {

I am wondering what the complexity of this method is when the graph 
structure is that of a tree.

  * Does Nauty apply any special, faster algorithm to deal with this
    specific case?
  * If not, what is the expected complexity? I mean, perhaps the
    algorithm for general graphs has some exponential factor that
    disappears when it is run on trees. Could you point me to some
    references I can cite, please?

Thank you very much!

Lluís Alemany-Puig

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