[ANU Pacific.Institute] ACPIR presents: The Pacific Seminar Series - "Agricultural export value chains in the Pacific"

Inez Mahony IMahony1 at usc.edu.au
Wed Nov 17 09:25:54 AEDT 2021

The Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research (ACPIR) invites you to join our monthly Pacific Seminar Series, where people discuss aspects of their research, work or cultural experiences related to the Pacific Islands to stimulate conversations and connections.

This month’s topic: Agricultural export value chains in the Pacific – moving from opportunity to reality?

Dr Bronwyn Wiseman and Andrew Piper

When: Wed 24th November, 2021

            Brisbane: 12-1pm | Fiji: 2-3pm | Samoa: 3-4pm

Register HERE<https://usc-au.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtce-opzktG9bYG8SjOzKqoBjxjP_63YMr>

You can also join our event via Facebook here<https://fb.me/e/2JdokgZlU>. 


Opportunities for agriculture, fisheries or forestry-based exports from the Pacific are often identified but less often result in sustained trade and benefits to the businesses, communities and individuals involved. Our presenters, from the Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access Plus Program (PHAMA Plus), will provide examples of where positive change has and hasn't happened and what the underlying reasons may be, and then prompt discussion on how development programs and researchers can best contribute to turning these opportunities into reality.

PHAMA Plus is funded by the Governments of Australia and New Zealand and aims to contribute to improved economic growth and rural livelihoods for Pacific peoples. PHAMA Plus works in Fiji, PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu and also supports Cook Islands, Kiribati and Niue. It provides assistance to help Pacific businesses and public agencies maintain and improve market access and facilitate export trade that benefits farmers.

Dr Bronwyn Wiseman is the Biosecurity and Trade Development Adviser for PHAMA Plus and is based in Australia. She has been involved in agricultural development, trade and biosecurity issues as a consultant, in government policy and regulatory roles, and as a researcher. Her interests include the development of sustainable agricultural and food production systems and trade. She has a Bachelor of Agricultural Science and PhD in crop protection from the University of Adelaide.

Andrew Piper is the Team Leader for PHAMA Plus based in Fiji, he previously worked with the program in technical advisory roles and program management. Andrew has experience in timber sector monitoring and certification, forest and environmental management, and strengthening rural industries and value chains. He has a Master of Science in Sustainable Tropical Forestry from Bangor University in Wales and the University of Technology in Dresden, Germany; and a Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) from the University of Queensland, Australia.
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