[ANU Pacific.Institute] ACPIR Pacific Seminar Series: How many stocks do we have? Using genetics and oceanographic tools for fishery and aquaculture management

Inez Mahony IMahony1 at usc.edu.au
Tue Jun 21 14:15:37 AEST 2022

The Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research (ACPIR) at the University of the Sunshine Coast invites you to join our Pacific Seminar Series. This seminar will be presented online from Fiji:

How many stocks do we have? Using genetics and oceanographic tools for fishery and aquaculture management.
Dr Monal Lal and Mr Kelly Brown

When: 12 - 1 pm AEST Wed 29 June, 2022
Register HERE<https://usc-au.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUlduuqrzwsGt2ls2pCbvk3L4s5rA1CMide>

Aquaculture of invertebrate commodities such as pearl oysters and sea cucumbers in Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) holds great promise for developing and supporting livelihoods for coastal communities. In many PICTs, wild populations are relied upon to provide juveniles for culture, as hatchery-based production is developed. It is important that these wild (and in some cases, already heavily fished) populations are carefully managed to ensure sustainable fisheries and aquaculture practices. Scientific tools such as population genomics and oceanographic modelling can inform these approaches, to ensure appropriate conservation and fishery management is implemented. Here, we outline how population genetics and oceanographic tools were applied to the black-lip pearl oyster and the sandfish sea cucumber in Fiji, to better understand how both wild and farmed populations can be managed.

Dr. Monal Lal is a USC research fellow with interests in tropical aquaculture, population genomics, fisheries science and oceanography applied to the Pacific region and tropical species. Monal currently implements  CIAR-funded research for development in fisheries and aquaculture in the Pacific region.

Mr. Kelly Brown is the curator of the USP Marine Collection, a natural history repository for taxa from the South Pacific region. His research interests include marine biology, taxonomy and population genomics. He is trained in biodiversity data management, with over 12 years of coral reef ecology experience.
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