[Psych-Soc] Psych Society Ball 2002 Updated Details (Note: New Venue and Date)

John Greenwood john@rawpine.com
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 17:31:24 +1000


Due to unforeseen circumstances we've had to change the date and venue for
the upcoming psych ball. BUT the ball will now be much better for all of us.

So, the ball is no longer at the racecourse on Friday the 11th of October.
The ball will now take place on Saturday the 19th of October, at the Karmel
Room on campus (upstairs in the Refectory).

So here are the details, including ticket prices:

The ANU Psychology Society presents:


Saturday October 19 (End of week 11)

7:30 for pre-dinner drinks

Karmel Room, ANU
(upstairs in the Refectory)

Including a 3 course dinner and 4 hours of drinks!

Come dressed as your favourite dream or memory from childhood! Think
Superman, Sleeping Beauty, Voltron, Freudian Oedipal Complexes, and so on...

There'll be paddlepops, fairy floss and more! A jazz band will accompany
dinner, and a DJ will be on for the latter portion of the night.

An after-party will also be held at In Blue, with help from Red Bull.

Tickets are

$45 for members
$50 for non-members

Tickets go on sale the first week back after holidays (week 10).

You can get yours between 12-1 at our table in the refectory, or anytime
from Michelle in the SA building (just above the Commonwealth Bank in Union


John Greenwood