[Seminars.foundations.comp] (Reminder) Seminar: The state of “verifiable" online voting: and the ethical problems therein.
Victor Rivera Zuniga
victor.rivera at anu.edu.au
Tue Aug 17 11:24:11 AEST 2021
Hi all,
I hope you all are staying safe and doing ok during the lockdown.
This is a reminder. Our next talk in the seminar series will take place tomorrow Wednesday, 18 August, at the usual time, 1pm. Thomas Haines will be talking about online voting solutions, please find the title and abstract below. As we are currently in lockdown, the seminar will take place only via Zoom. Hope to (virtually) see you all there.
PS: Seminars are open for anyone to attend. If you know anyone interested in receiving seminar announcements, please, advise them to subscribe to the mailing list: https://mailman.anu.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/seminars.foundations.comp
Best regards,
Victor Rivera
The state of “verifiable" online voting: and the ethical problems therein.
At present the best theoretical solutions for online voting do not meet the requirements. Moreover, the solutions being used in practice are far weaker than the theoretical best solutions. This talk will examine these three areas and discuss the ethical issues they raise for academics working in the area.
Wednesday, 18 August, 2021, at 1pm.
via Zoom, here<https://anu.zoom.us/j/89631367083?pwd=cFg5bkg5emtNM1ZRdENiKzBDdm9lZz09>.
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