[Aqualist] Postgraduate Travel Prize

Janelle Stevenson janelle.stevenson at anu.edu.au
Mon May 30 10:26:35 EST 2005

Dear All,

I am pleased to announce that the recipient of this years AQUA Postgraduate 
Travel Prize is Kira Westaway,
School of Earth Sciences, University of Wollongong. Kira will be attending 
the 11th International Conference on Luminesence and Electron Spin 
Resonance Dating to be held in Cologne, Germany, from the 24th - 29th July 
2005 where she is presenting a paper and a poster. These are titled 
respectively "Dabbling with DAP: methodological advances in luminesence 
dating of archaeological sediments and palaeoenvironmental proxies in 
Indonesia using a dual-aliquot regenerative dose protocol", and "The 
application of a dual aliquot regenerative-dose protocol to important 
archaeological sediments and palaeoenvironmental proxies in Indonesia".

As in previous years the application standard was very high and we would 
like to thank all those who applied.


Dr. Janelle Stevenson

Treasurer - Australasian Quaternary Association
Department of Archaeology and Natural History
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 AUSTRALIA

Phone:  61 2 61253153
Fax:    61 2 61254917
web page: http://palaeoworks.anu.edu.au/  

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