[Aqualist] postgraduate research opportunities

Trish Fanning pfanning at gse.mq.edu.au
Thu Sep 21 16:24:47 EST 2006

Please circulate the following information to prospective researchers in
your departments or offices:

The Western NSW Archaeology Program (WNSWAP) conducts research on
Australian Aboriginal stone artefact deposits in their landscape setting
in arid western NSW, Australia. The research integrates archaeological
and geomorphological theoretical and methodological frameworks to
develop new insights into the spatial and temporal patterning of
Aboriginal use of place in the past. Chronology is a key to the success
of the program, and we are developing new methods and approaches to
dating that will provide a detailed understanding of Aboriginal land use
history and past human-environment interactions.

We invite enquiries from potential postgraduate research candidates who
are interested in contributing to this exciting field of research.
Research infrastructure and logistical support will be provided through
our research grants program. In addition, higher degree research
candidates enrolled through Macquarie University can access a minimum of
$A4000 p. a. to support their research project, and financial support to
attend conferences is available. Macquarie University also supports
co-tutelle arrangements with international institutions. 

Potential candidates are encouraged to apply for Australian
Postgraduate Awards, available to Australian and New Zealand citizens
and permanent residents (closing date 31st October 2006). In addition, a
limited number of MQ scholarships will be available to suitably
qualified candidates on a competitive basis.

Please direct enquiries to 
Dr Trish Fanning
Graduate School of the Environment
Division of Environment and Life Sciences (http://www.els.mq.edu.au/)
Macquarie University Sydney
NSW 2109 Australia
pfanning at gse.mq.edu.au 
Voice: +612 98507979
Associate Professor Simon Holdaway
Department of Anthropology
The University of Auckland
New Zealand
sj.holdaway at auckland.ac.nz 
Voice: + 649 3737599 x83947

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