[Aqualist] AQUA AGM

Barrows, Timothy T.Barrows at exeter.ac.uk
Tue May 25 08:21:53 EST 2010

Dear all,
Reminder: The next AQUA AGM will be held on Tuesday May 25 at 12 pm – I pm. This will be held in Room 415, 4th floor Chamberlain Building (Building number 35) at the University of Queensland. The AGM will also include lunch and be followed by a UQ research seminar (Speaker TBA). Please RSVP for catering and any specific agenda items to Craig Sloss.
Elections for Office Bearers will still be held at the field Conference at Stradbroke Island. Is you have any nominations (Specifically for President and Secretary) please forward them to me.
Thank you
c.sloss at qut.edu.au

Dr Craig Sloss
Lecturer in Geosciences
Discipline of Biogeoscience
Queensland University of Technology
GPO Box 2434
ph: 61 7 3138 2610
fax: 61 7 3138 1535
email: c.sloss at qut.edu.au<mailto:c.sloss at qut.edu.au>

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