[Aqualist] Southern Connections 2013 session: Modern and Paleoclimate Perspectives on the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind Field

Michael Fletcher michael.fletcher at live.com.au
Tue May 29 05:39:57 EST 2012

Hello All,

I encourage you to come along to Southern Connections 2013 in Dunedin, 
South Island, New Zealand (Jan 21-25).  These meetings are a great 
opportunity to integrate with other Southern Hemisphere people, Dunedin 
is a lovely location and this meeting has a strong palaeo-content.

I am co-convening a session titled:

19. Modern and Paleoclimate Perspectives on the Southern Hemisphere 
Westerly Wind Field

Chris Moy
Email chris.moy at otago.ac.nz

Michael-Shawn Fletcher (Australian National University);
Patricio Moreno (Universidad de Chile);
Christopher Moy (University of Otago)

The southern westerly winds are an important feature of atmospheric 
circulation in the mid to high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Not 
only do the westerlies influence the amount and distribution of 
precipitation in all mid to high latitude southern landmasses, the 
westerlies play a major role in carbon cycling in the Southern Ocean 
through their influence on air-sea gas exchange and are an important 
component of regional and global climate dynamics. We welcome a diverse 
range of contributions related to the past and present dynamics of the 
Southern Hemisphere westerlies. In particular, we encourage both 
terrestrial and marine proxy record perspectives, and modeling based 
findings, for the time periods of the last glacial maximum, 
deglaciation, and Holocene, including both low and high-frequency 
timescales. We also encourage papers that focus on the potential effects 
of ocean and atmosphere forcing in the high southern latitudes, such as: 
changes in biological productivity of the Southern Ocean, changes in sea 
ice distribution, changes in mountain glaciers, and changes in 
terrestrial ecosystems.

Some other sessions that may be of interest for AQUA members are:
1. Temperate Indigenous Grasslands: their conservation, values, 
resilience and sustainable management

8. Biogeographic relationships of Cenozoic terrestrial vertebrates of 

9. Trees on the edge of climate change; the application of tree-ring 
studies for understanding our past climate and possible forest 
vulnerability in the future

10. Chile/New Zealand: The Continental Scale Experiment

14. Wildfire Regime Shifts in Temperate Forest Ecosystems

22. Paleoclimate of the Southern Hemisphere viewed from lakes: linking 
records spanning tropical Queensland to southern Patagonia

Hope to see some of you there.


Dr Michael-Shawn Fletcher
Indigenous Research Fellow
Archaeology and Natural History
School of Culture History and Language
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
The Australian National University

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