[Aqualist] AQUA evening at INQUA Nagoya

Paul Hesse paul.hesse at mq.edu.au
Sun May 31 10:12:27 AEST 2015

For all AQUA members heading to Nagoya, it seems like there is some
interest in having a get together for drinks and/or dinner.

Given all the different meetings to be held through the week (previous
emails) I think it might be best to have a get together on Sunday 26th July
after the ice-breaker (i.e. after 6pm).

I suggest we meet at the ice-breaker and head off from there.

For organisational purposes, please let me know if you're interested in
coming along.  If it's a small group of people then we'll just search for
somewhere close to the conference centre but if it's a larger group then
I'll try to make a booking somewhere we can get a drink and food close to
the conference centre and/or station area.

anato no renraku o o-machishite orimasu


Dr Paul Hesse

(ph) +61 2 9850 8384 (f) +61 2 9850 8420 (e) paul.hesse at mq.edu.au

Postal Address:
Department of Environmental Sciences
Macquarie University, Sydney,
New South Wales 2109, Australia

Office Location: Level 2, Building S2.6 (Australian Hearing Hub)
1 University Avenue, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Sydney

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