[Aqualist] Finding a lab to do OSL dating - Honours project

Sanja Van Huet sanja_van_huet at hotmail.com
Sun May 8 20:38:43 AEST 2016

To all AQUA members,

My name is Chava Rodriguez, an Honours student at Deakin University in Melbourne, Victoria.  I am studying the geochronology of  two rock units from the Nepean Peninsula, Victoria, where two  Pleistocene-aged vertebrate fossils were recently found.  

I am doing provenance studies and I am trying to find a lab to do OSL dating on the sediments in which the fossils were found.   

So far I am having no luck finding a lab that I can afford to use, or within my Honours deadline.  I have a limited budget and two samples to date.  

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.  I can be contacted via my Supervisor Sanja Van Huet 

s.vanhuet at deakin.edu.au

Kind regards,

Chava Rodriguez

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