[Aqualist] AQUA biennial meeting

Georgina Maja Falster georgina.falster at adelaide.edu.au
Thu Sep 13 09:30:39 AEST 2018

Good morning Quaternarists!

This is a reminder that we are now accepting abstracts for the upcoming AQUA biennial conference, to be held in sunny Canberra this December.

Here is a little potted summary for your reference:

When: Monday 10th to Friday 14th December (icebreaker Sunday 9th December)

Where: Crawford Precinct, Australian National University, Canberra

Who: Everyone with an interest in Quaternary science! We’d really love to see lots of early-career researchers – this will be a great meeting to mingle and get to know the AQUA community.

How much (AQUA members): $350/$250 for full/student or concession
How much (non-members): $400/$285 for full/student or concession. Renew your membership (or sign up) for discounted reg!

What do you get for your money: Daily morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea, mid-conference field trip, icebreaker, conference bag, pizza poster session, general good times

Dinner: At the RUC (Rugby Union Club). $80 for two-course meal and barefoot bowls.

Mid-conference field trip: Will be held on the Wednesday in the middle of the week. A great chance to get outside and meet your fellow researchers, whilst enjoying a picnic by Lake George.
Pre-conference field trip: 5th to 8th December (High-altitude environments of eastern Australia. Read: trip to the mountains!)

Format: This is an open call for abstracts – you can present whatever you are/have been working on! This is a great chance to talk about your research to a broad audience of Quaternary scientists. You can choose to present a poster, a poster with a three minute talk, a long talk (30 mins) or a shorter talk (20 mins).

Keep your eyes peeled for information about ECR travel grants – this should be hitting your inbox very shortly.

So if this all sounds like your cup of tea, then head on over to the AQUA website to sign up. Registrations close on the 16th November.

Register here: http://aqua.org.au/conference/aqua2018/registration/

Pop in an abstract here: http://aqua.org.au/conference/aqua2018/abstract-submission/

If you have any questions at all, then get in touch with me (AQUA treasurer treasurer at aqua.org.au<mailto:treasurer at aqua.org.au>) OR

Scott Mooney (AQUA past president s.mooney at unsw.edu.au)*<mailto:s.mooney at unsw.edu.au)*> OR
Haidee Cadd (AQUA IT & communications officer haidee.cadd at adelaide.edu.au)**<mailto:haidee.cadd at adelaide.edu.au)**>

*for most conference-related questions
**for questions about the registration and abstract submission process

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