[LINK] Surveillance in extremis

Lea de Groot lealink at viking.org.au
Tue Aug 29 14:18:31 AEST 2006

Kim Holburn wrote:
 > Whether it is cost effective depends on whether you add environmental
 > factors in in your economic analysis or you treat the whole world as a
 > free garbage dump.  It also depends on who paid for the study of cost
 > effectiveness!

Indeed, but I suspect the implementation was ill conceived.
If I understand how it is run correctly, the government sits in the 
middle, receiving an amount per bottle form the manufacturer and paying 
out to the consumer.
I think that is inefficient.

I remember recycling cans in Sydney - cans were bought back by the kilo 
and it often seemed to be run as a fund raiser by the local scouts, or 

Figuring out a similar system for other packaging seems more practical 
and sustainable.


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