[LINK] Just as everyone's hopping onto Zoom ...

Glen Turner gdt at gdt.id.au
Fri Apr 10 13:33:01 AEST 2020

On Wed, 2020-04-08 at 10:20 +1000, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
> It pretty much started on time at 6.30pm - as one of the councillors I 
> did try to explain the raise hand option (one other councillor did use 
> it) - all a steep learning - but pretty amazed it worked!

For already-structured meetings, if you set "mute on entry", explain
the spacebar PTT and handwave, and ensure everyone has a headset then
it doesn't take long to get far enough up the learning curve. It wish
there was a way for a host to force the chat window to open so people
didn't need to discover it -- a text side channel is nice for sharing
URLs and for displaying the explicit structure of the meeting (eg, when
doing agenda item 5, write "Agenda item 5 Thingmabobs" into the chat).

Interesting times and I'm glad your council got the job done.


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