[LINK] Australian University Rankings

David Lochrin dlochrin at aussiebb.com.au
Mon Sep 7 22:54:24 AEST 2020

On 2020-09-06 09:57, Tom Worthington wrote:

> No, what makes a teacher is teacher training.
> Palali, Van Elk, Bolhaar & Rud (2018) found students taught by academics with good publication records got higher grades, but only for masters level students, not undergraduates.

Did the undergrads actually receive significantly ~lower~ grades?

I'm reminded of the theory I've come across in academia to the effect that a successful IT project only requires knowledge of the technology (i.e. vocational training) and strict adherence to the correct project methodology, which is followed like Theseus' silken thread to a happy conclusion.

I've no doubt that training improves almost all teachers' effectiveness.  But some are born natural teachers and some are not, regardless of their research interests or teacher training.

David Lochrin

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