[LINK] RFI: Youtube Pages - control of display sequence?

Jan Whitaker jwhit at internode.on.net
Tue Sep 12 10:15:47 AEST 2023

One suggestion: if you have multiple google accounts, don't try to mess 
with any of that because google won't recognise anything other than your 
/0/ account and any settings changes will only apply to that one. If you 
log out to try to get to the right one, ALL Google accounts log out. 
What a mess. For a company that's supposed to be really good at this 
stuff, they actually suck. (sorry that was so convoluted, but I just 
wasted a heap of time getting all my accounts back; youtube kept going 
back to /0/ no matter what I did!)

As to Roger's original question (hoping that this message gets delivered 
because it's coming via link (Roger, I answered your question about 
getting those privacy list messages (I did) but that reply finally 
failed completely)), my subscribed channels are presented to me in 
newest first, at least on my TV. I thought that was the default. But 
that is from a viewer's perspective, not a channel owner, which 
Googletube appears to be pushing really hard - to have a channel so 
eventually they'll suck you in so you will eventually pay them to host 
all you're wonderful videos.



On 11/09/2023 11:12 am, Roger Clarke wrote:
> I'm trying to understand the sequencing of videos in Youtube lists, in 
> particular on organisations' own Youtube pages.
> The UNSW AI Institute site seems to display basically oldest first, 
> but with a couple of apparent exceptions:
> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvW1evjftfvn3sV_nv4vNdvk1pm5QsZBM
> I'd have expected the page-admin to have *some* kind of control over 
> the sequence of display.
> But I've searched what seem to be the relevant pages, without success:
> https://support.google.com/a/answer/6212415?hl=en
> Is Youtube really so primitive??
> And if so, are page-admins all asleep at the wheel, or scared to lobby 
> for a decent service, or has the behemoth ignored user requirements?
> Thanks for any leads!  ...  Roger
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