[LINK] The Dictation Toolbar

Stephen Loosley StephenLoosley at outlook.com
Sat Sep 16 17:01:28 AEST 2023

Must say, the free Windows speech-to-text app (Window + H Key) was terrific news for the Australian Association of Psychologists (AAPi) Open Forum. And it deserves to be.

All Member Open Forum Post:  community.aapi.org.au

“Psychologists can often spend much valuable time entering text on computers.

Hence recently, all up-to-date Windows computers now include a free and very helpful speech-to-text application.
That is, your computer can automatically enter as text whatever you say.

And for writing up client notes, report-writing or indeed any general text entry task, you should find that this free Windows app works very well indeed.

So to open this app in any Windows text-entry area, click your mouse where you want the text to be, and then press your Windows Key and your H Key at the same time.

Then, when you're ready to dictate, simply click on the little microphone graphic on the app window. Viola, everything you say will be converted into written text automatically on your screen.

Also if you choose, in addition, click on the app Settings icon, and enable Automatic Punctuation. The application will now also punctuate the text of everything it has heard you dictate.

You will find the app, which comes with all the current versions of Windows, has impressive word-recognition. Even so, one would naturally recommend proof-reading your results. However, if you speak clearly, you should find errors are indeed quite rare.

And so with just a few minutes of practice, this free Microsoft app which Windows computers already include, may reduce your clerical workload significantly.

M.Edu (IT)

Posted In All AAPi Members - Open Forum


Nb, Microsoft say: “Windows key + H is a keyboard shortcut that has different functions depending on the version of Windows. On Windows 10 and Windows 11, it opens the dictation toolbar, which allows you to speak and type with your voice on any text box. On Windows 8.1 and earlier, it opens the sharing menu, which lets you share screenshots of the current open app's window.”

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