[Perl.sig] Plain old documentation- perl tip

Litss Coordinator litss.coord at anu.edu.au
Mon Apr 11 14:13:39 EST 2005

==== News ====

     Stas Bekman, author of of Practical mod_perl and mod_perl developer,
     will be presenting mod_perl courses in Melbourne and Sydney during June
     2005. Places must be booked by ``29th May 2005''. See end of tip for
     more information.

==== Plain Old Documentation ====

     In our previous tip we spoke about using ``perldoc'' to access
     documentation about Perl. Most of the help pages ``perldoc'' accesses
     are written in POD (plain old documentation). In this tip we're going
     cover the basics of how to write POD.

     POD is designed to be a simple, clean documentation language. It's
     are to be:

:   *   Easy to parse

:   *   Easy to convert to other formats (such as HTML and text)

:   *   Easy to write in, even with the addition of sample code

:   *   Easy to read in the native format.

     Almost all Perl modules include their documentation in POD format.
     Although this is occasionally done as ``.pod'' files it's much more
     common to include the POD directly into the code. This has the
     that it becomes much harder to accidently separate the code from its

==   Paragraphs   ==

     POD uses three kinds of paragraphs (text preceded by and followed by a
     blank line). These are:

     Text paragraphs
         Plain text paragraphs which the formatter can reformat if required.

     Code paragraphs
         Text paragraphs which the formatter must not reformat. These
         paragraphs are typically used for code. For example:

                 use strict;

                 my $test = 1;

         You signal to the formatter that some text is a code paragraph by
         starting each line in the paragraph with at least one space (or

     Command paragraphs
         Unlike the previous two paragraph styles, the content of these
         paragraphs are not seen by the user. These exist to signal to the
         formatter which lines are for it to parse, and to provide some
         indication of how you want your text to appear. POD command start
         with the equals character (``='') in the first column and are

         These are often called command *lines* however it should be
         recognised that the specification for these *lines* is that they
         appear on a line preceded and followed by blank lines. Thus a

         ``=head1'', ``=head2'' ...
             These denote headings for first level, second level and so on.
             For example:

                     =head1 Plain Old Documentation

             Tells the POD formatter that this is the start of a section of
             POD and thus to start formatting. This lasts until the ``=cut''
             command is seen. This will cause the Perl interpreter to skip
             this section.

             Tells the POD formatter that this is the end of a section of
             and thus to stop. This will cause the Perl interpreter to
             looking for Perl code.

         ``=over n''
             This moves the indent level over by n spaces. This is used for
             creating itemized and descriptive lists.

         ``=item string''
             This creates a list item with the descriptive term set to
             ``string''. Use an ``*'' (asterisk) to represent itemized

             Moves the indent level back to the level prior to the last
             ``=over''. This is used for closing the current list level.

         ``=for format'', ``=begin format'', ``=end''
             POD allows you to write different content for different
             Thus you might have a table created by spaces for text based
             content, a html table and a LaTeX table each specified where
             required. These commands provide this functionality. eg:

                     =for html
                                     <tr><td>1</td><td>Rhymes with
                                     <tr><td>2</td><td>Rhymes with

                     =for text
                             1       Rhymes with sun
                             2       Rhymes with shoe

             ``=for'' applies only to the next paragraph whereas ``=begin''
             will run until the next ``=end'' or ``=cut''.

     That's almost it to writing POD. There are also few formatting codes to
     allow you to specify ``bold'' text ( B<bold> ), *italicised* text
     ( I<italicised> ) and ``code'' style ( C<code> ) and similar effects.
     You can read more about these in ``perldoc perlpodspec'' and
     ``perldoc perlpod''.

==   An example   ==

             #!/usr/bin/perl -w
             use strict;

             # ...

             # POD traditionally goes entirely at the top or entirely at the
             # bottom of the file.


             =head1 LoremIpsum.pm

             =head2 Synopsis

                     use LoremIpsum;

                     vivamus($accumsan, $semper, $elit, $eget, $odio);
                     lacinia($nonummym $congue);

             =head2 Description

             Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
             nec wisi. Cras vitae justo. Nullam congue auctor libero.
             Suspendisse ut libero et ante condimentum pellentesque. Donec

             Aenean dignissim. Proin elit nibh, placerat nec, lacinia
             at, malesuada sit amet, nisl. In egestas pulvinar arcu.
Praesent in
             neque nec elit gravida dictum. Aenean et pede nec purus
             accumsan. Proin dolor. Donec id orci. Vivamus non augue feugiat
             dolor viverra vehicula. Mauris vel wisi. Fusce in leo. Sed non
             nulla. Fusce orci.

             =over 4

             =item C<aenean>

             Aenean ultricies, ligula vel feugiat lobortis, arcu tortor
             fermentum metus, ac rhoncus turpis lectus ac orci. Sed posuere
             tellus in lectus eleifend rhoncus. Nam id massa.

             =item C<vivamus>

             Donec aliquam justo ut ante. Morbi tincidunt, sem a auctor
             faucibus, felis leo blandit justo, in vestibulum felis dolor at

             =item C<lacinia>

             Suspendisse lacinia sem eu ligula. Donec blandit molestie
             Fusce a augue.  Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci
             luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.




==== Upcoming Courses in Canberra ====


         Introduction to Perl:               17th - 18th May
         Intermediate Perl:                  19th - 20th May
         Database Programming with Perl:            23rd June
         Perl Security:                             24th June

     Note that the ``Early Bird Date'' for the introduction courses is
     ``15 April 2005''!.

==== Upcoming Courses in Melbourne ====


         Database Programming with Perl:            26th May
         Perl Security:                             27th May
         Getting started with mod_perl:              6th June
         mod_perl 2.0, the next generation:          7th June
         Object Oriented Perl:                7th -  8th July

     Note that the ``Early Bird Date'' for the first four courses is
     ``29th April 2005''!.

==== Upcoming Courses in Sydney ====


         Database Programming with Perl:             9th June
         Perl Security:                             10th June
         Getting started with mod_perl:             13th June
         mod_perl 2.0, the next generation:         14th June
         Object Oriented Perl:               21st - 22nd July

     Note that the ``Early Bird Date'' for the mod_perl courses is
     ``29th April 2005''!.

==== Corporate Courses ====


     Do you have a large group, or the need for training at a particular
     time? Perl Training Australia is happy to arrange a course in the time
     and place that best suits you. For more information read our page on
     Corporate Courses at http://perltraining.com.au/corporate.html or call
     us on +61-3-9354-6001.
This Perl tooltip and associated text is Copyright Perl Training Australia.
You may freely distribute this text so long as it is distributed in full
with this Copyright noticed attached.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us:
   Email: contact at perltraining.com.au
   Phone: 03 9354 6001

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