[Aqualist] women, men, kids and science

Jessica Reeves j.reeves at federation.edu.au
Tue Jan 15 19:32:03 AEDT 2019

Hello folks,

There has been an interesting discussion building on the AQUA facebook page based on Tim Barrows' gender analysis of the recent meeting in Canberra. It would be good to capture some of these gems.

Can I suggest we collect 2 things, as the basis of submissions to QA:

  1.  what can we as a community do to continue to advance gender equity in Quaternary Science? (what has worked for you, your institution is implementing or what you would have loved to see)
  2.  photos and anecdotes of juggling kids and fieldwork/conferences (non-gendered...this more about saying you can have a science career and family, if you have the supports in place)

Any volunteers to help compile this? Tim and Tony - I am assuming you will.

In the meantime, I am happy to take words and Carol and Sanja (editor at aqua.org,au) can take images and captions.

No point waiting for the world to change...let's just get on with it.



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