[Aqualist] Early-career researchers writing club

Falster, Georgy gfalster at wustl.edu
Mon May 4 19:04:12 AEST 2020

Hi AQUA and PAGES people,

I hope you're all keeping well in this strange time.

This is one for anyone who identifies as an early-career researcher: the PAGES Early Career Network has a virtual 'Write Club' where people get together on Zoom for regular 2-hour writing retreats. It is a great way to get some words on a page (no matter what stage your research is at), and also to keep company with people doing the same thing. The write club meets several times per week, with sessions to suit pretty much any time zone.

There are several Aus/NZ-friendly writing retreats this month, and if you would like to join in for some writing motivation/just to have some company then you would be very welcome! You can either flick me an email, or have a look at the description of the Write Club on the PAGES website and email the leaders of the group. http://pastglobalchanges.org/ecn/clusters. If there are enough interested people from our corner of the world we could also schedule retreats to suit ourselves.


Georgy and Shaun (your PAGES Early-Career Network Regional Representatives)

Georgy Falster [she/her]
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Washington University in St. Louis
Campus Box 1169, One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
e: gfalster at wustl.edu<mailto:gfalster at wustl.edu>
w: georgyfalster.github.io<https://georgyfalster.github.io/>

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